Coronavirus Diary: life in Athens in times of (another) crisis, Day 18

As of 6pm, local time, Athens:
# of confirmed cases: 892 (71 new cases since yesterday)
# of deaths: 26
# of people in hospital: 111

Day 18 of staying home

In today’s 6pm live press briefing Health Ministry spokesman Sotiris Tsiodras and Deputy Civil Protection Minister Nikos Hardalias made more announcements. Some are summarized below. 

Tsiodras stated that the course of the virus corresponds to the measures that are taken to stop its spread. Although there are no signs of its exponential growth, it’s still the beginning of the battle and success depends on adhering to strict measures, and the amount of time the measures will be in place. Reducing or lessening the measures at this time would be catastrophic. 

In addition, he announced that a committee has approved a treatment protocol for those who are hospitalized. 

Hardalias stated that the majority of Greeks have handled all the strict measures with sobriety and composure.  

He also reported that so far, 8,785 people have applied to the volunteer program including medical staff and support staff.

He noted that there are 5,824 people in mandatory quarantine at home (Greeks returning from abroad, etc) and that random home checks are being carried out to ensure that they are in fact staying home. So far 1,116 checks have been completed, and 82 people were out, in violation of the quarantine and were given a €5,000 fine.

Also, the production of the drug used to treat the virus, (in some cases), Chloroquine, has begun in Greece - in a quantity which will cover the country’s needs. The drug will be distributed to hospitals starting tomorrow, Friday.


Just when I thought things were getting monotonous, today this happened. (No, I'm not making this up.) You remember the Letters to the Corinthians… from the Bible… ? 

In St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, he addressed the Christian community he founded in Corinth, Greece. He included many topics in his letters – faith, love, spiritual gifts, immorality, proper conduct – to name a few. 

Well, over 2,000 years later, due to the recent closure of the church to combat the spread of coronavirus, the Corinthians have written their own letter. 

Oh yes. 

Oh my

Letter from the Corinthians 

An open letter to the leaders of the Greek Orthodox Church in Greece has been written by people from Corinth. It’s dated Corinth, March 22, 2020 and signed by 172 people so far, (more signatures are being collected).

The first paragraph states that the political leadership of Greece aims to put their plans into effect, “most likely the plans of the Zionists”… in order to enslave everything.

They go on to explain that it’s obvious that this new pandemic is not a normal illness, but a newly planned scheme to create a manufactured virus, for the following reasons…. 

To reduce the population, “according to their own announcements”; to force people to use electronic transactions and credit cards in order to create complete dependence, manipulation and total global control by “computers in Brussels”; by closing churches and not allowing people to partake in holy communion, people are purposely being left unprotected and exposed to all kinds of temptation and challenges; and last but not least, all this is happening so that the government can enslave everything and really begin their satanic plans…

The letter beseeches Christians to rise up against this evil.

The Letter from the Corinthians calls for churches to open and priests to perform the divine liturgy every Sunday, but without parishioners. However, they also demand that parishioners be able to line up outside the church every Sunday, (keeping proper distance, though) and receive holy communion. (Once again, that’s one chalice, same spoon for everyone…)

So, the Corinthians have spoken. (Well, 172 of them and counting…) 

I hope no one is listening.
